Sunday, December 3, 2017

GM Disease strikes again...

So I wrote a whole Star Wars space battle sub-system accidentally. It was actually more like Stone Soup. I started out by getting a better idea of Star Wars' hyperspace rating system. It was weird and backward, but I worked something out for my game. Then I thought hey! This is a real hodgepodge of weapons! How does this all work? So I sorted that out. Then what did these shield ratings mean? It was another pile of brand names - power to the super otaku! Got to make that make sense! Speed... Hmmm? 900 Gs? They aren't doing accelerations like that on film! Let's move this to a relative movement scale. How do ion cannon work? How do I model spaceship Quirks? What about these tactics? I have to make fighters IMPORTANT!

Before I knew it, I had the whole thing... and it's just for running a damned campaign! What is wrong with me?

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