Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lowell Was Right! System Overview

I have been posting almost entirely setting related stuff for Lowell Was Right!, so a bit of system info. I'm using - as always - a mutant form of my StarCluster 3 system. SC3 uses drop in switchable resolution mechanics, and I'm including only StarPool and Star Worm with the book, though any of the mechanics available for SC3 would work fine, depending on how your preferences lie. I have been particularly impressed with using the combination of the two - StarPool for task resolution and StarWorm for conflict resolution. They use the same dice and same TNs, so they play very well together.

Character generation is like I used in Volant - a series of templates you apply, stacking results - if Template One says you get Skill A +1. Skill B +1 and Skill C +1, and Template Two says you get Skill B +2
and Skill D +1, you have Skill A +1, Skill B +3, Skill C +1, and Skill D +1. The templates are arranged in template trees, with earlier templates being pre-reqs for later templates - you must take Hunter before Expert Hunter, and Expert Hunter before Master Hunter. The result is extremely fast life-path type chargen.

Skills use for LWR! is different from my earlier games. There are 30 basic skills, five tied to each attribute. They are very broad, but they only go up to +2 in rank. If you have higher than +2 rating, you have to turn that into an Expertise, which is much more focused - so Science +4 could turn into , say Science +2 with Biology +3 and Chemistry+3, meaning for all general science, your skill checks are at +2, but for Biology and Chemistry related checks, you would have a +3.  Expertises are free form, with three examples given for each skill, but not limited to those. As always Skills are Center Defined and Overlapping. The benefit of this is broad basic skills but with areas where characters can map out their own place to shine.

Personality Traits and Edges work as always, Traits give you bonuses when you burn them, as a resource, so long as the trait matches the situation. Edges always work so long as the situation matches the Edge.

PSI use  is standard skill check plus burning a PSI point - thus Telepathy is Language or Communications skill plus 1 PSI point, for example. Effectiveness depends on the skill. You can choose PSI abilities as Expertises of the related skill, so you could have Language +2 and Telepathy +3. This makes PSI use very simple - no special skills to use.

Hopefully that gives an overview! Questions welcome!

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