Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Running a Game with the iPad - and Outremer

I ran Sunday's game - a playtest for Outremer - using only my iPad Sunday. It worked very well! I will be able to carry my complete library of games with me wherever I go. now I tried running games with the Kindle, but the inability to access the bookmarks limited the functionality of the Kindle, so I was forced to leaf through the pdfs page by page, which was very slow and clumsy.

With the iPad, I could access the bookmarks, which allowed me to zip through the pdf, either to the section I wanted directly, or back to the TOC which is hyperlinked to the first page of each section. This was as fast or faster than hunting things up in printed book form, so I was very happy.

In other news, I finished the playtest version of Outremer Monday night, with the addition of the Dervish Path, the finalization of the Nations section with Homs, and finishing the bit on Islam in the Religions section. I'm going to look through the books with an eye to correcting any minor transgressions and maybe adding a paragraph here and there, but I'm ready to send it out for playtest very soon. Anyone interested should leave a comment or email me.


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