Cultural TraitsYou may choose various Traits to further define any given culture. Traits can be picked from the example list or crafted by the GM to fit the culture. These Traits are the default Personality Traits for anyone from this culture, though these Traits can vary in individuals.
How many traits for a culture?Each culture has seven trait points. These are divided up into at least 3 traits, with a maximum of 4 points in any one trait. Example: Standoffish 3, Honorable 2, Prim 2.
How to use traitsCultural Traits are mostly used as descriptors, but they could be used mechanically, if you see a way to do so - perhaps in warfare, negotiation, or any other culture-wide endeavor. Traits give a bonus to any other action when used, so long as the Trait could believably be of value in that situation..The GM is the sole arbiter of whether a trait is applicable to the situation. Each trait point used adds a bonus to the skill check. Traits are a resource which are used up in play, and are refreshed at the beginning of every game session.
Example TraitsSpacey, Standoffish, Hot-Tempered, Carefree, Sly, Greedy, Glib, Sarcastic, Foul-Mouthed, Argumentative, Sleazy, Methodical, Sloppy, Poker-faced, Pious, Prim, Jumpy, Loyal, Friendly, Motor-mouth, Sweet Disposition, Indecisive, Judgemental, Pompous, Iconoclastic, Arrogant, Studious, Off-Kilter, Laid-Back, Patient, Sour, Upright, Audacious, Meticulous, Boring, Boorish, Dour, Stubborn, Officious, Honorable, Practical, Nefarious, Roguish, Bombastic, Gregarious, Prudish, Inspirational
ConditionsYou may choose various Conditions to further define any given Region. Conditions can be picked from the example list or crafted by the group to fit the Region. These Conditions are the default descriptors for this Region, though these Conditions can vary in different areas - A mountainous Region can have lush valleys, and an arid Region can have pools and intermittent streams - as well as seasonally.
How many Conditions for a Region?Use your judgement on many you need to describe the Region, but if in doubt, roll a d6
How to use ConditionsRegional Conditions are mostly used as descriptors, but they could be used mechanically, if you have appropriate Edges - perhaps in travelling, survival situations or anywhere the efforts of the PCs are using the physical characteristics of the region, so long as the Edge could believably be of value in that situation.The GM is the sole arbiter of whether an Edge is applicable to the Condition. Each Edge point used adds a Small bonus to the skill check.
Example ConditionsChilly, Searing, Well-watered, Dusty, Choking, Stinking, Fresh, Inviting, Fetid, Aromatic, Muddy, Windswept, Hardscrabble, Rocky, Flinty, Rolling, Lovely, Wretched, Mountainous, Arid, Hellish, Wet, Allergenic, Polluted, Baking, Populous, Empty, Crowded, Desolate, Heavily-modified, Sculpted, Virgin, Muddy, Jungle-clad, Huge, Beautiful, Harmonious, Cloudy, Rough-hewn, Bitter, Windy, Warm, Flowery, Gaudy, Spicy, Dessicated, Hilly, Deep-cloven, Stony, Wooded, Carved, Eroded, Bushy, Terraced, Wild, Cultivated, Managed, Tended, Rolling, Treeless, Grassy, Narrow, Broad, Ridged