Sunday, May 13, 2012

Another Example Religion

 This one is the dominant religion in the same region as The Heavenly Path - Daktari


Conception of Deity - Hard Polytheism There are many different, individual, discrete gods.

Communications With Worshipers - .Chance is how the gods express themselves in this world.
Superstition Evil gods will get you through certain actions, which would best be avoided
Ancestors give you guidance, following their good examples.
Ritual is how you plead to the gods for something.
Priests are the Chosen Ones, who are closer to gods, and may become gods themselves. All priests are alchemists.
Intersession is performed by legendary priests, who are just below the gods. If they intercede enough, they will become gods.

Organizational Hierarchy - Democratic selection by popularity among worshipers elevated the best priests to power.
Episcopal structure rewards those more popular priests with higher positions within the religion.

Influence - Nationally Strong representation among the people ensures political power.

Taboos and Obligations - Funereal rites of mummification are given those in power. Others are buried with representation of their wealth.
Recreational time is regulated as too much of any good thing is a poison.
Alchemical power is key to the effectiveness of the priests' works, and thus their popularity.
Professional entrance is tightly bound by caste. All priests are alchemists, but not all alchemists consider themselves priests.
Ritual perfomances are rigidly specified , both calendrical and situational
Dietary ingestion of a special spiced liquor called Giran, made by the priests, is obligatory for any and all rituals.
Matrimonial arrangements may not cross caste lines.

Places of Worship - Shrines are located in what are considered spiritually strong places, and worshipers must go to them to perform certain rituals.
Open Altars are located in central areas of the cities, where certain important rituals are performed by the priests and attended by the people.
Amphitheaters are where the people come to hear the teachings of the great priests.

Orthodoxy and Heresy - Toleration of the Heavenly Path is standard, but there is no great love for it.

Duties of Faith  - Service by the priests to the people is key to their elevation to sainthood after death.
Fasting is a part of Sacrifice, cleansing and disciplining the worshiper.
Sacraments are performed as public rituals.
Sacrifice is needed for a healthy soul.
Protection of the nation from those who would harm it is a holy task.
Scarring/Mutilation is by certain tatoos and scarifications, which denote priests. This practice has deeply penetrated the culture at large.

Paraphernalia of Worship - Devices of clockwork are used in the performance of certain rituals.
Images of the gods are omnipresent.
Candles are symbolic of light in the darkness, and are lit in remembrance of ancestors.
Jewelry is used to visually distinguish castes.

Themes of Religion - Propriety maintains proper place in the scheme of the world.
Punishment by the gods has removed the people's  natural magic, as it was thought anyone could be a god, but they approve of those using magic properly.
Renewal is by the reincarnation of good lower caste people into a higher caste, and possibly even sainthood and godhood.
Chosen priests may become saints and eventually gods.

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