Monday, November 23, 2015

How My Saturday StarCluster IRC Group Rolls!

In my long running StarCluster IRC game (since 2003) Saturday. The crew of the _Beginner's Luck_ have just nipped in the bud a plan to cause civil war between the Jeshen and Humans in Jeshen Space by monopolizing the music provider services on the Human worlds, and allowing access only to music that affected to public's mood towards resentment of the Jeshen.

In response to the Luck crew's attack - which involved contracting the broadcast rights to all the bands sidelined by the plot and selling a music device with the music digitally recorded on it, rather than being downloaded from the cloud - the conspiracy overextended itself, and became visible to the Human world governments, which did not hesitate to crush the cabal.

In the meantime, they have conclusively proved that Jeshen were genetically engineered to appeal to Humans, and it is strongly implied that Humans were treated likewise. They are currently sitting on this news, but have bought up the land around the entrances to the underground ecologies where their evidence exists, and established a non-profit institute to study the phenomenon.

This groups is so strange and wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great time was had. It is always interesting to read of the groups exploits.
