Saturday, December 22, 2012

Charater Creation

In Volant, I introduced a new kind character generation. In this scheme, you are given a number of build points based on the character's age, and with these points may purchase Templates, which each have a number of Skill ranks, and possibly Edges and/or Attribute improvements. You add up all these ranks given by the Templates, assign 7 points to Personality traits, and the character is complete, with personality, history, Skills, and Edges. It takes about 5 minutes to create a character of moderate (mid-30s) age - longer to create older characters. This compares very favorably time-wise with the usual year-by-year generation the StarCluster system requires, at a small cost in flexibility. Volant also has a much smaller number of skills - though they are still center-defined, just broader - than typical StarCluster games, which also helps a bit.

I haven't yet released Volant - it's due for release early next year - but I am considering using it for upcoming projects as well. My Alpha group has really liked using it, and the results are compatible with other StarCluster games. What do you all think?



  1. Cool! I don't think I will use it for everything, but It is another tool in my toolbox. :D


  2. I like the template system, it's ease and speed of use, it's ability to handle specialists and generalists but mostly because it can result in interesting age mixes within the party. I can imagine doing a Swiss Family Robinson/Lost in Space set-up, or a school field trip in peril.

  3. Cool, Geordie! There is some loss of flexibility, I know, but this is, I think, more than made up with the speed of generation and the ability to link skills in a way so as to define competence within a job. For example you have a group of five Scouts. GM asks "Anyone here an Advanced Scout?" and two players raise their hands. "Anyone a High Scout?" One hand is raised. "OK - The High Scout is the leader, and the Advanced Scouts are her deputies."
