Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Outremer Companion

I am thinking I shall publish a Companion to Outremer - free for download, printed at cost - made up of contributions of various sorts to Outremer. This may include the two pieces I referred to earlier in this blog - the linguistic references and the village naming tables - if I can do them justice or find someone else who can do this. Other contributions could include player characters, NPCs, essays on trade and cultures, articles on the geography of the Outremer, creatures of all sorts, illustrations, maps, and anything else which would pertain to the game and setting.

Why? Outremer is a deep, deep setting, and ripe for such a delving. Also, I would like to involve customers and friends in fleshing out the setting. I would really enjoy it, both in the making and in the actuality, and would volunteer my time to edit and assemble the Companion. If it's successful, there could be other Companions down the line, and I may make this concept available for other games - StarCluster 3 and OHMAS would both be prime candidates.



  1. I love that idea Clash. It would be great to see this and hopefully others come out for your games.

  2. Thanks, Bonni! I'm hoping others are interested as well! :D


  3. It's a good idea... There's an awful lot to digest in Outremer's setting.

  4. That's exactly what I was thinking, Levi! There's guaranteed a Companion I coming. Companion 2 will come out only if there is enough fan generated material.

